Bloggers' Profile

Monday, 5 May 2014

Reflection 5: Blog

Assalamualaikum and greetings dear readers,


We wanted to stay true to ourselves as we curated Wisdom Waraqah. It seemed easy as it churned out of mouth, but to stay true to ourselves was the hardest thing we can do in life.

That is also the best part about this task: To tolerate your own goals for the love of your own readers.

The arduous task remained at the point where we had to bring out the best for our readers. The task of creating Wisdom Waraqah required us to look into various sides. No element should be underestimated nor overestimated. One element had to be treated just as well as the other. As often as not, we were preoccupied by the requirements of the course that we overlooked the need to present an interactive layout for our readers.


In fact we created this blog with the brand "Wisdom Waraqah" because we did not want to separate ourselves as the "persons" of this blog from our readers. We believe in the chemistry that we build with our readers.

For that, we believe in the fact that it would be impossible for us to manage Wisdom Waraqah without cooperating with each other. On that basis too we have to disagree with the common saying "too many hands spoil the broth" because we, after all, needed each other to fill up the loopholes and looked into some of the features that we had accidentally mistaken.

Apart from that we also come to apprehend that writing and providing information for our readers demand a great deal of responsibility. We did not want to provide our readers with what we believe to be attractive only, but the elements also had to be informative.

After all, writing Wisdom Waraqah has made ourselves to take the roles of murabbi-cum-daie. As much as how we wanted to educate our readers with the knowledge of Discourse Analysis in English, we also held the responsibility to preach and instil Islamic awareness among our readers. This task has been more than just about us being committed students but also committed Muslims.

From Surah al-Qiyamah, verse 14-15:

Rather, man, against himself, will be a witness,
Even if he presents his excuses.

This has been a great journey writing Wisdom Waraqah. This has also been an emotional journey for us looking back at how we got up from the many times we got knocked down. All four of us are coming closer to the end of our undergraduate journey, and nothing can teach us more about being stronger and more spiritually matured than this entire process. Allah knows, how much we have teared our eyes since.

Insya-Allah Wisdom Waraqah will remain here in the virtual world for as long as these knowledge can benefit our readers. InsyaAllah Wisdom Waraqah will also stay as the best record of our intellectual journey in IIUM.

So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

We hope that this entry will not mark the end of Wisdom Waraqah. We look forward to sharing more information to our readers. Till then, salaam!


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Islamic Awareness: From a Station to the Sky.

Assalamualaikum and greetings dear readers,


The curtain call is set and in few weeks time I will be leaving this university for good. Like a bird spreading its wings, flying from the tree it used to perch on for so long, I will be set free into the open sky. 

This has been an endeavour for a humble Muslim like me. This is in fact another station, another terminal from which I will have to leave. I have to migrate to embrace another phase of my life, for that is what a Muslim must do; to go on a pilgrimage, to travel and to go for hijrah.

Indeed Allah says in Surah al-Nahl, verse 100:

“And those who emigrated for [the cause of] Allah after they had been wronged – We will surely settle them in this world in a good place; but the reward of the Hereafter is greater, if only they could know.”

The question remains: What have I gained from this temporary three-year stay? 

It is doubtless true that I have learnt a lot ever since. I have learnt that Islam is more than just the prayers that you performed, and the hunger and thirst from your sawm. It is the love that you build as you knit your beautiful garment of Iman. It is the love that you colour from your drawing of Ihsan. It is the awareness of Islam that binds it all together. 

Studying in this university has brought about a new perspective to me. I have learnt that learning process is never easy. Knowledge is owned by Allah and who are we to compare ourselves to the depth of knowledge owned by Him? Too often too did we complain and whine over the struggle as we went on attaining this knowledge. We blamed our stupidity but we hardly blamed our lack of effort. We blamed our teachers and instructors but we never blamed our own egos. 

It got me thinking. Knowledge is after all from Allah. It must be hard to attain something so big and precious from Him. Jihad, by default, is mandatory. It can never be easy. 

I may not have highlighted the physical awareness that I have experienced thus far, but this is the single most glaring element that resonates in me. This is a reminder for me and for others too. We may be living in an Islamic environment but without our own effort to procure the lesson and wisdom behind every event and action, we can never attain the Islamic values.

One thing for sure, I have set myself to be in the journey of actualizing the Muslim in me. This is a never-ending journey but the experience here in IIUM has indeed paved the way to it. I will never forget the love of my lecturers, the camaraderie I have built with my friends and the belief I have instilled in myself. So, what’s next? Bon voyage!

With salaam, 


Islamic Awareness: Islam is Everywhere

Assalamualaikum and greetings dear readers,

I have always been interested in linguistics ever since I knew the meaning of the word. I was flipping through an English-Malay dictionary when I came across the word linguist; which was translated to ahli bahasa. Such a foreign, elegant word to put under ambition in your biodata. And I decided at that moment, that’s what I’m going to be. A linguist. Whatever that is.

I continued to grow up being interested in a lot more languages, and the first university I knew that offered linguistics was IIUM. I didn’t bother to look any further for other options at other universities. That’s where I’m going to be, I thought. And up to this day, I am grateful that I did not look for any other options.

Learning language in IIUM has been such an experience for me. I never thought you could relate Islam to anything; to literature and whatnot. Of course you could, but I never really thought much about the relation of it all. I never knew the art of it. Having to provide Islamic perspectives at the end of term papers and presentations have taught me a lot. You can learn anything, and never be astray; as long as you know what to do with the knowledge; as long as you know how to view the knowledge.

It has also been a great opportunity to learn the various Islamic studies subjects. Never in my mind would I imagine that if I were to study language, I would have to take up Islamic courses. Despite my choice of study, I was still given the chance to learn about the Quran and Hadith, the history of the Prophet, and so many other things. I even got to learn more on Arabic. A lot of students might whine and complain about these elective subjects, but what they don’t see is that this is what is special about IIUM, what they don’t see is that such things like these are not offered elsewhere, at least not paired up with any other English departments elsewhere, what they don’t see is that they are so lucky to be given such a chance.


I have learnt to view many things in different, new perspectives. I have learnt that Islam is everywhere; that you can pursue whatever you want and you don’t have to leave it, and it won’t leave you, if only you knew.
